Album Review: Toro Y Moi Shows The Layers Of Love In “Boo Boo”

There is a dreamy vibe to Toro Y Moi’s Boo Boo, which befits his views on love. From space-age funk to Motown pop-soul, his previous…

Film Review: Spiderman Homecoming Succeeds Because It Is Young

I am a comic-book nerd, and while everybody races away with theories as to why THIS Spiderman is, specifically, THE BEST of all Spiderman films,…

Artist Close-Up: Wildling Show Falling In And Out Of Love Through “Lilywhite”

L.A.-based alternative-rock quintet Wildling understand “boy bands”. Each band member has a history in this pop-phenomena, but now have united to break out of the…

Concert Review: Jesse Shows Everyone’s Life Has A Hard Sky To Soar At Alphaville

The strangeness of Jesse’s Hard Sky is that its sounds “larger than life”, but when you meet Jesse, himself, he is down to earth. Hard…

Theatre Review: Kim’s Convenience Shows Immigrants Are A Country’s Story

It could not be a better time for Kim’s Convenience to do a two-week run at the Pershing Square Signature Center; when immigration and hate…

Album Review: Washed Out Turns Listeners Into Mister Mellow

The irony of closing your eyes is that you might see more. When we close our eyes, our brain furthers its “imagination” portion, and out…

Concert Review: You Too Can Woo With The Violet Sands And French Horn Rebellion

As if being an artist is hard, try being an artist representing OTHER ARTISTS! You To Can Woo had to have been one of the…

Album Review: The Violet Sands Make A “Hotel” Worth Staying In Forever

Sexy is a term I often stay away from when describing an artist or album because, unfortunately, it can be wrongly interpreted. Feeling empowered in…

Concert Review: The Vacant Lots Smash Through Sunnyvale’s Walls

Noise is a strange thing to love. Music is noise, and some genres/artists are noisier than others. Yet, if music is meant to represent the…

Album Review: NRVS LVRS Show Life Can Be An “Electric Dread”

Forget hard rock…. we need hard pop. Alright, that statement did not go far, but NRVS LVRS is pop with a gritting aura that will.…

Concert Review: Lila Downs Shows Latino America Is Here To Stay At Celebrate Brooklyn!

  Lila Downs is not only a legendary songstress from Mexico, but an avid social activist for Latin American rights and equal treatment. Hence, it…

Concert Review: Baby’s All Right Get Fruits And Flowers And A Drug Tax … YES!

Fruits And Flowers have a lot to prove in that they have nothing to prove. Their demeanor of careless and carefree is not strikes for…

Album Review: Coin Banks Confronts The Power Of Money From “Outside Looking In”

Hip Hop can be divided between two world. World One is built on sociopolitical commentary, where rappers from Tupac to Kendrick Lamar marvel on the…

Album Review: American Opera Try To Rejoice In Life’s “Small Victories”

Incremental progress. Monumental setbacks. Small victories. This is the story of American Opera. Brooklyn Based musician John Bee found himself in an emotional crossroad after…

Album Review: LANY’s Self-Titled Debut Observes The Simpler Things Of Love & Heartache

LANY is quickly becoming a Pop Icon without much radio-play. With only their self-titled debut just coming out, they have toured the world with sold-out…