Album Review: Space Above Play Music To Keep You “Still”

Electronica is a more nuanced genre then anyone might presume. When you think of Electronica, you think of techno-raves and jungle-esque clubs with glitter and…

Album Review: Stef Chura Shows That Everyone Makes “Messes”

Stef Chura’s debut studio album, Messes, is born of her years of experience playing around the Michigan underground, setting up DIY shows in the area,…

Album Review: Middle Kids Show The Struggles Of Being in The Middle

Middle Kids self-titled EP feels like a sunny homage to being young, wild, and free. With guitar melodies that make you feel like sand waiting…

Concert Review: Cuddle Magic Is A Concert Dreamscape At Bowery Ballroom

Cuddle Magic hit the Bowery Stage to bring a dreamscape of music. When I reviewed Ashes/Axis, I noted the vision-inducing indie production as an album…

Album Review: The Orwells Continue To Prove They Are “Terrible Human Beings”

The Orwells are loud, obnoxious, insane, aggressive, and absolutely brilliant for it. Their new album Terrible Human Beings goes straight for the debaucherous nature of…

Concert Review: Big Something Give Big Life To Arlene’s Grocery

I start my review with a strange compliment; Big Something feels young. This six piece powerhouse/ genre-bending music system brings out the inventiveness and dare…

Concert Review: Common Kings Reign At Bowery Ballroom


Artist Close Up: William Singe From Youtube Star To Superstar

William Singe is going from cover boy to an original man. By “cover boy”, I mean Singe, for the last few years, has become a…

Concert Review: John Lloyd Young Is Here For You

John Lloyd Young is known for his star-making role as Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys. Playing the original cast is a big deal for us…

Album Review: JonWayne Releases His Magnum Opus “Rap Album Two”

Magnum Opus means a great achievement. For Jon Wayne, Rap Album Two is a Magnum Opus. Now sober, and having survived the near fatal dangers…

Album Review: Novella Leads A “Change Of State”

Novella’s sophomore album Change Of State makes me want to put blush, do my hair into a bee-hive, grab a be-dazzled leather coat, and run…

Album Review: Jens Lekman Brighly Shows That ” Life Will See You Now”

Jens Lekman’s Life Will See You Now is as bright a statement as his album. The entire record feels like the empowerment you would have…

Album Review: Hanni El Khatib Is Hard Psychedelic Rock In “Savage Times”

Psychedelic rock can “go hard”, but not necessarily. Frankly, I have never associated the genre with a “harsh” sound, but in rock n’ roll this…

Album Review: Tim Darcy Brings Back Old School Rock N’ Roll In “Tall Glass Of Water”

From beginning to end, Tall Glass Of Water plays like a old-school rock album. When people think “old-school” they assume 70’s. Yet, Tim Darcy bring…

Album Review: Anna Wise Gives You A Vision In “The Feminine Act: II”

The Feminine Act: II is the follow up to the Anna Wise’s much acclaimed 2016 debut EP, The Feminine: Act I. Both projects have a…