Concert Review: Zara Larsson Is The Definition Of Pop At Irving Plaza

Zara Larsson brought silver dresses, dancers, and full on pop THEATRICALITY to Irving Plaza, and the crowd was left GAGGING! If there had been a pack of White Walkers in the audience then they would have been revived. (Game of Thrones Joke!) Yet, this reference is not only a simple pun. Zara’s show represented how uplifting pop is as the most colorful, sugary genre. 

This world will always need glam, and pop makes this aesthetic accessible to the masses. As Zara danced, riffed, and went into full on choreography over “grand-dame” stairs, the crowd had “preach hands” up. Honestly, she reminded me of the fabulosity of Barbie, but I am not saying that because she is platinum blonde and has a wardrobe that would make Barbie Dreams come true. I say that because, like the classic, childhood figure, Zara’s music makes everything feel possible. There is a blinding magic to tracks such as, “So Good,” “Wow,” and “Don’t Worry Bout Me” that makes problems feel like a few cornflakes that fell on life’s milk. 

Zara Larsson – Don’t Worry Bout Me (Official Video)

From “I Would Like” to “Ruin My Life,” Zara sang to how enveloped we feel by love. Like other pop divas, she has a that blows and belts notes like bubblegum: making power appear sweet. Yet, that is why her love songs are memorable beyond their catchy phrasing and hypnotic hooks. There are times when a relationship consumes us, and, frankly, we want it to, whether it is health or not. Thus, Larsson’s tracks played to Pop’s classic melodrama of wanting a fairytale love despite very real issues. This sentiment will always be relatable, but when you add staging, lights, and costuming, it feels more bearable. 

Zara Larsson – Ruin My Life (Official Music Video)

Zara Larsson is the definition of pop because she excites vulnerability. Suddenly, being open earns you an electro ballad and a pink, feather boa. Personally, I can live with that, and, in a way, such a fantasy is a survival tactic. The way those instagrams went up and the audience sang along proved that Zara Larsson’s tracks moved more than people’s feet, she has moved their spirits. For More Information On Zara Larsson Click Here.