Festival Review: Elements Music & Arts Fest Brings EDM To The BX
Somewhere in a Hunts Points Warehouse, a world was constructed. Keeping in line with their idea that electronica is not just a genre, it is a culture, Elements came for another summer fest. Elements Music & Art NYC had one of its best line-ups ever, in a location that brought the beauty of New York’s skyline with a feeling of being the only, private space in the city.
Once again, a warehouse was the central location for Elements Music & Art NYC, but the fluidity between stages was the best yet. Air and Water were a road away, of which tents, vendors, and costumed fans of Elements danced between; as if the concrete was actually made with the yellow bricks of OZ. More than ever, I realized the warmth and welcome of Elements as a family. While I, definitely, saw more new faces, there is something special to seeing the same ones, of which you only meet at Elements. Dancing on cages and children’s monkey bars, people were 100% connecting to their inner kid. From a roller derby rink INSIDE one of the abandoned plants to a ring where people were hoisted in the air to have a pretend jousting match, I could not believe how much could change in a year. Previously, I had gone to Elements Music & Arts NYC, but this was an epically organized event. Entering the ginormous warehouse that was Earth stage made me feel like Rocky when he ran up those Philly steps. As he ran up, pumping his arms in victory, so did I as I witnessed the likes of Barclay Krenshaw, Zedds Dead, Griz, and The Knocks.
Wow, was the music excellent this year! Bang On NYC!, the show-runners of Elements, truly aligned the best of EDM”s underground and mainstream artists. It was as if the day began with the best of the rising like Fleetmac Wood, Yasin, and Greco. One thing that I have to admire, and should make note to EDM artists looking for a future booking, Elements always scopes to feature the best of the “unknown” or underground. It is as if they have made their mission to introduce new fan-groups to burgeoning artists. Yet, more than ever, Elements brought in magnificent headliners. For one, I adore The Knocks, and their disco-electro music danced in my brain with a gorgeously fluorescent laser show. Being on the massive Earth Stage, their effects felt epic, and like a warm lead-in to the mind-blowing beats of Griz. This part DJ/ part human fire-cracker was deranged with energy. He jumped, kicked, and “saxophoned” over his mix-table like it was the literal runway for his talent. Once again, the huge images and color-splashes made the crowd feel like we were in a safe and magical music-nook that only a few, chosen people could find. And that nook held the most impactful, legendary DJ to my life: DJ JAZZY JEFF! Excuse me, as I write a love letter to DJ Jazzy Jeff.
Dear DJ Jazzy Jeff,
The way you mixed Marvin Gaye into DMX, Teddy Pendergrass into Tupac, and Aretha Franklin into Kendrick Lamar was inspiring, You are a national/ Hip Hop Treasure.
To have someone as classic and timelessly influential like DJ Jazzy Jeff brought Elements to a whole other level. If the production value and creativity was boosted tenfold for this year, then the presence of artists like Jazzy emboldened that Elements has the desire and path to grow into a powerful music festival. Of course, it is the goal of any fest to grow in people, but Elements Music & Arts NYC was about growing in presence. Fire Breathers, Acrobats, and giant neon-lit puppets perused through the crowd to, again, amp up that Elements Fest is about leaving earth for a day. Honestly, I felt like I had, and healthy dose of escapism never hurts. For More Information On Elements Fest Click Here.