Song Review: Unspoken By Hayley McKay Was Made For Television

Hayley Mckay’s debut single “Uspoken” is made fore television. I know that is a weird title/ introduction for an artist’s song, at least,  I should say, “Made for radio!”. While the song can completely be played on the radio or a streamed playlist, television seems like a bigger scope. When you put the images of your favorite tv characters, going through their scripted, life moments, you always hear a song in the background that heightens the scene. “Unspoken” would be such a song. 

McKay’s debut single is riveting in vocals and lyrics. With a simple, stringed melody playing in the background like sunset colors blooming in the dawn’s sky, Mckay’s voice is gentle and piercing. Her voice, literally, sound effortless as it ranges through octaves to show the desperate/ passionate desire we can have to “not want to be alone”. While sometimes we enter relationships out of love, other times, we enter them for companionship. The difference lies in the depth, intention, and, at times, the results of a relationship. For Mckay, it is clear her lover did not see their relationship in the same light as her. As she walks through the beach, she sing to the wind about a relationship that was chained to a “memory” of its potential goodness only to fizzle to its dimmer reality. 
Hayley McKay – Unspoken//


Lyrically and rhythmically, “Unspoken” feels like its should be played in the grand break-up scene of a tv show or film. It has that visionary scope that could easily elevate the emotional weight of seeing your favorite characters suffer the turmoils of love. I know this is an odd compliment, but getting your song in a film is a huge, career deal, which is why I say “Unspoken”, especially for a debut, is  impressively worth the cinemas. Mckay has a voice like an angel that dramatically conveys love’s message with an elegance and a sentimentality that whisks you away in her spirit. For More Information On Haley Mckay Click Here.