Concert Review: Ionnalee Was Destined To Take Over Elsewhere

You ever meet someone so owning of their self that they feel like grace incarnate? They embody their mind and soul with a positivity that surpasses what such terms mean. Ionnalee is a visionary, and her Elsewhere show was like watching Disney’s Fantasia for adults. She proved that joy makes you a kid again, and, in turn, helps you dream. 

As images splashed around like magic behind her, Ionnalee appeared in head to toe gold and a lit cape that flapped like butterfly wings. On outfit, alone, she placed herself like a goddess coming down to earth from a Swedish Heaven, and using songs such as, “SAMARITAN,” “TEMPLE,” and “OPEN SEA” to convey to all youths that godly and humanely are interchangeable terms. In essence, if what is sacred lies above us, we must look within to reach it. #deep The result was a show that made dancing feel holy; suddenly, grooving to a beat was a form of praise to the human spirit. In a way, that is what dancing is, which is why everyone watched as Ionnalee synchronized with the images behind her to form a mystical, one-woman ballet. 

ionnalee; SAMARITAN (chant version, subtitled)

Ionnalee makes concert halls feel prayerful in the best way. Maybe, it was my Easter mentality, but there was something so beautiful and divine to see people move their body and admire a woman that made them feel free enough to do so. Ionnalee is infectiously warm. You will, at least 18 million times, ask yourself, “Who is this fierce woman?! And can she do a Ted Talk on how to become her?” She brilliantly uses her show as an opportunity to step into her visual mind, which can reach J.K. Rowling levels of imagination. It was a splendid effect that turned Elsewhere into an arena, and her voice the sweet ray of confidence that could fill it. 


Vocally, Ionnalee has such a gently, high register. It is as if her voice is a light beam cushioned by a rhythmic pillow, and the more into the song she becomes, the more the light beam hits you. her euphonious vocals heighten the dance backdrop; making her feel like an angel that decided to do a club mix. From “SOME BODY” to “ISLANDER,” that angel did everything, including the most gleeful, crowd sure I have ever seen. Honestly, Ionnalee gave one of the happiest shows you could enjoy! For More Information On Ionnalee Click Here.