Song Review: Anna Lunoe Hits A “Bullseye”

It makes sense that Anna Lunoe would be playing House Of Yes in Brooklyn if you have heard her new song, Bullseye. It sounds exactly like a creepy carnival, which, in some ways, is what the initial stages of love feel like, and what the cool warehouse can aim for in its stylistic shows. In perspective, love is a “Bullseye” that impresses you with its precise targeting, until, you are the target.

For those of us who have been or are in love, we know that it can feel as colorful a vortex as displayed in Anna Lunoe’s video. As “the eye” circles looking at all the color and shapes splashing around it, you, suddenly, feel a “cartoon” understands your humanity. Moreover, the image matches well with edgy magic of this songs. In “Bullseye”, Lanoe assures to match the smokiness of her voice with that of her synths, which both assure to never overpower the bassline. Yes, you would assume an artist would want to be the highlight of her track over the beat, but, in a way, Lunoe is. By letting bassline beat and drop with a hypnotic swirl, she seems to circle like “the eye” in your brain to show that Love can take you “high” but can it make you safe? For More Information on Anna Lunoe Click Here.